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Annual City Water Plant maintenance to begin October 9

October 4, 2021

Every year the City of Webster City must maintain water softening equipment at the Water Treatment Plant. This routine maintenance is important because for the rest of the year, the clarifier is filled with just under 500,000 gallons of water. This is our opportunity to clean and inspect all the equipment that is normally under water. This is a vital process to ensure the treatment equipment is in good working order and is an important step in a team effort to make the water better in town for everyone.

This year we will not be softening between October 9, 2021 until approximately October 20, 2021.

Flushing of the distribution systems water hydrants will begin immediately upon completion of the maintenance work. Flushing of the hydrants is expected to last until October 29, 2021.

You may experience lower than normal water pressure and a short period of discolored water during flushing and shortly thereafter. Though the water may be discolored, it is safe to drink. However, until the water runs clear, it is advisable to avoid washing clothes, especially white fabrics. If any rust stains appear on your wet laundry, DO NOT DRY YOUR CLOTHES. Simply run your cold water in your house or at a hose until it is clear and then wash your clothes again. This will flush any rusty water out of your service line. Never run warm or hot water immediately after a hydrant has been flushed, as this could lead to sediment getting into your water heater.

The Flushing schedule will be posted on the City’s Facebook page, the City’s website (webstercity.com), the schedule is also available upon request by calling the Water Plant at (515) 832-9146.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Tim Danielson at (515) 832-9146.


View the original press release.










Last modified: October 6, 2021

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