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City-owned trails are open for individual use

April 7, 2020

At the City Council meeting on April 6, 2020, the Council chose to modify the closure of the City-owned trails as part of closing City Parks, restrooms and parking lots in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Effective immediately, the trails are open for use by individuals and small groups of less than 10 people.  The City continues to encourage the practice of social distancing when utilizing the trails.  The emphasis on enforcement of groups of 10 or more on the trails will continue.   The rest of the parks, all playground equipment and restrooms will remain closed until further notice.

We appreciate your patience while these necessary actions are taken to protect the health and safety of our citizens and staff which is critical to mitigating the spread of the Coronavirus.

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact: Jeff Sheridan, City Manager at 515 832 9151 or citymanager@webstercity.com.


View the official press release.

Last modified: April 7, 2020

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