The City of Webster City is currently accepting applications for vacancies on the following Boards and Commissions:
- Park and Recreation Advisory Commission (2 vacancies)
- Airport Commission
- Zoning Board of Adjustment
- City Planning and Zoning Commission (2 vacancies)
- Hotel/Motel Tax Board (3 vacancies: 1-Public At Large, 1-City Gov’t & 1-WC Motels)
- Traffic Study Committee (2 vacancies)
- Senior Citizens Advisory Board
- Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment
- Airport Zoning Commission
- Youth Advisory Commission (2 High School vacancies, 3 Middle School vacancies)
This application process is in an effort to ensure diversity and representation of our community. Applicants must be current residents of Webster City. These positions are voluntary and applications must be returned to the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10, 2019.
Applications are available at City Hall, 400 Second Street or on our website. If you have any questions, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 832-9141 or City Manager’s Office at 832-9151 for more information.
Last modified: March 12, 2019