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Public Works Current Projects

Capital Improvements Plan

On an annual basis, the City of Webster City plans capital improvement projects and equipment needs over the span of five years. The project scheduling is developed according to priorities based upon need, desire, and importance of such improvements to the community within the constraints of the City’s ability to finance as well as implement and administer the projects.

To view the latest adopted Capital Improvement Plan, click here.

2025 Projects

The 2025 Fair Meadow Reconstruction Project consists of concrete curb and gutter replacement, hot
mix asphalt pavement, new 5 ft concrete sidewalk on the south side, and concrete driveway approach
pavement. Concrete side street and roadway connection patching, 8-inch water main replacement,
storm sewer extension and improvement, and sanitary sewer rehabilitation (CIPP lining) on Fair
Meadow Drive. The project also includes sidewalk and ADA ramp improvements on Des Moines Street
from Fair Meadow Drive to Middle Street, to complete sidewalk connections.

View Final Plans and Specs

View Recommendation Letter

The Brewer Street and Willson Avenue Improvements Project consists of concrete curb and gutter replacement, hot mix asphalt pavement, concrete sidewalk, PCC driveway approach pavement. Water
main replacement on Brewer Street, storm sewer extension and outfall improvement for Brewer Street and Willson Avenue south of the Brewer Creek bridge and milling and HMA overlay north of the bridge to Ohio Street. The project also includes a bid alternate to pave South Street from Des Moines St going
east 200 ft. Extensive coordination with the school district has occurred to maintain school related