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Boone River

Webster City is nestled along the west bank of the Boone River and provides recreational enthusiasts many different ways to enjoy its beauty.

The Boone River is an area of aquatic biodiversity. It has been identified in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Plan as an area with significant plant and animal life due to the many walnut, oak and hickory trees lining the shores to the bountiful wildlife of otters, beavers, hawks, eagles, cliff swallows, blue herons, owls, fish and other aquatic wildlife that call it home.

The Boone River provides a good experience for paddlers of all skill levels and is easily accessible due to the numerous accesses located along the river. If you are looking for a short trip or one that spans the entire day, the Boone River can deliver.



For more information on the Boone River, check out the following information.

BOONE RIVER WATER TRAIL (Iowa Department of Natural Resources)