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Harmony Center School

Harmony Center School House was built in the summer of 1914 to replace an older rural school building

New Hamilton County country school buildings continued to be erected up to the early 1940’s with the last one closing at the end of the spring term in 1958.

Located in Section 24, Webster Township, the school was about a half-mile south of the Tunnel Mill. In the early days, children rowed across the Boone River in the community row-boat kept near the Mill as a shortcut to school.

Schools were generally located so that no child had to walk more than two miles to school. There were fall, winter and spring terms with breaks to accommodate spring and fall farm operations. Teachers lived with nearby farm families during the term.

Donated and moved to Wilson Brewer Park in 1977 by the Bernard Demoratsky Family. Restoration assistance and artifact collection by Phi Kappa Delta educational sorority. School desks were refinished by Mark Hollingshead and Boy
Scout Troop 22 as part of his Eagle Scout project. The Harmony Center school bell,
which called the students to school, is not on display due to its large size and weight.

The building, which has no electricity, contains artifacts from early day rural country schools.

Through the years, local teachers have brought their classes to the school to hold day-long school sessions to enable the students to experience school as it was one hundred years ago.









Wilson Brewer Park | 220 Ohio Street, Webster City