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Street Sweeping

The Webster City Street Department is responsible for cleaning 307 lane miles of City streets every year. Staff and equipment is ready every spring beginning March 1 depending on weather conditions and current temps. Crews begin sweeping major arterial roads and the downtown business district as priority number one.

Once all the arterial roads are swept, crews begin to focus on city parking lots, cul-de-sacs, residential streets and hard surface alleys in the downtown business district. Crews will sweep through the town 2-3 times before lightening up on the sweeping schedule. Between the months of June – August staff will sweep every Friday on major arterial roads and the downtown business district.

Staff will also street sweep in locations of special events, fair week, parades, and block pardese throughout the year. Starting in September staff will pick back up sweeping on a daily basis concentrating on leaves until temperatures get to cold and equipment is forced to be parked for the winter months. All material picked up in the street is dumped at our compost site and recycled for future use.

City-wide leaf pick up
is a service the City provides where citizens can bag up there leaves/grass and Street Department staff will pick them up and dispose of them at the Webster City Compost site. This service takes place every year weather depending in mid-November. Dates and information regarding the City wide leaf pick-up can be found on the City website, KQWC, the Cities Facebook page, and the Daily Freeman-Journal. 

Reasons for Street Sweeping

• Helps keep the community clean.

• Removes sand and debris from the roadway/curb line.

• Prevents localized flooding during heavy rain events.

• Protects our waterways.

• Protects our storm sewer mains from blockages and filling up with garbage and debris.