Opportunity Awaits...

City Office: 515-832-9151 | Utility Office: 515-832-9141

Bid Postings


General. The City of Webster City (hereinafter referred to as “City”), seeks quotes from qualified professional firms (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) to provide the following services:

1. Striping of longitudinal lines for traffic control Scope of Services. Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, materials, equipment and transportation necessary to stripe longitudinal lane lines, both white and yellow, including, but not limited to, doubleyellow, solid lines, skip lines, and fog lines. All work shall include paint, glass beads and application rates in conformance with SUDAS Specifications and Iowa DOT Specifications. City will supply all maps for striping locations.

Payment will be made per linear foot and include the ‘skip’ area of the lane line when applicable. Line types shall include:
1. Double Yellow Centerline
2. Single Yellow Centerline
3. Yellow Skip Centerline
4. White Skip Lane Line
5. White Solid Line (right roadway edge or turn lanes)

The City intends to enter into a 2-month contract (May-June 2025) with the selected firm, all in the best interest of the City as determined by the quoted prices submitted. Payment for services shall be as invoiced at the time of work. The City will determine the blocks to be striped.

It is anticipated that the City will paint approximately 150,000 feet of striping per budget year with a not to exceed $17,500.

All work shall be performed in accordance with City Standards.

Submission of Quote. Quote shall be submitted no later than 4:00 pm, April 1, 2025, on the appropriate form via email, fax, mail or hand delivery to:
Brandon Bahrenfuss
City of Webster City
400 Second Street
P.O. Box 217
Webster City, Iowa 50595

Email: bbahrenfuss@webstercity.com
Fax: 515-832-9153 
Phone: 515-832-9139

Quote shall include:
1. The Quote sheet attached herewith for basic services; and
2. The State Bidders Status Form
3. The appropriate insurance endorsements, verifications and requirements as stated herein.


View the complete RFQ

Electric Distribution Improvements – Phase 1 project

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of 400 Second Street, Webster City, Iowa 50595. Bids will be considered by the City Council at its meeting at 6:05 PM on April 21, 2025 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 400 Second Street, Webster City, Iowa 50595. The City Council may award the contract at said meeting or at such other time and place as shall then be announced.

The City of Webster City, Webster City, Iowa, at City Hall, 400 Second Street, Webster City, Iowa 50595, until 2:00 PM, on April 10, 2025, for the Electric Distribution Improvements – Phase 1 project for the City of Webster City, Iowa. At said time, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers,

The proposed construction is described in general as follows:

Electric distribution improvements

The above work shall be in accordance with the specifications and proposed form of contract now on file in the offices of the Municipal Electric Utility in said City of Webster City, Iowa, by this reference made a part hereof, as though fully set out and incorporated herein.

View the complete Bid Posting


General. The City of Webster City (hereinafter referred to as “City”), seeks quotes from qualified professional firms (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) to provide the following services:

1. Cleaning and video camera work on sanitary sewer mains;

2. Cleaning and video camera work on storm sewer mains;

3. Root treatment work after cleaning and root cutting services are performed; and

4. On-Call services for after-hours callouts to clear blockages.

5. Normal work week is Monday thru Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

6. CIPP lining

7. Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation

Scope of Services.
Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, materials, equipment and transportation necessary to clean sanitary and storm sewer mains to remove obstructions, debris, roots, etc., to provide a clean surface for video camera work to view pipeline with the ability to detect structural problems, and to perform root treatment work inside sanitary sewer and storm sewer pipes to prevent root regrowth. The Contractor shall have the capability to televise and clean pipe sizes ranging from 6-inch to 36-inch diameters.

Contractor shall provide video for each pipe segment showing distances from manholes or openings.

Video shall contain comments detailing what is being observed. Video camera shall have ability to turn and look inside any connection located, giving a clear picture of what is being viewed. All videos shall be downloaded to the City’s extended hard drive. DVD, VHS, CD and paper formats are not acceptable.

Submission of Quote. Quote shall be submitted no later than 4:00 pm, April 22, 2025, on the appropriate form via mail or hand delivery to:

Dedra Nerland , Public Works Management Assistant
City of Webster City
400 Second Street
P.O. Box 217
Webster City, Iowa 50595

Email: dnerland@webstercity.com
Fax: 515-832-9153
Phone: 515-832-9139

Quote shall include:

1. The Quote sheet attached herewith for basic services;
2. The firm’s ‘Rate Schedule’ with call-out procedures;
3. Indicate preferred Presentation time (am or pm); and
4. The appropriate insurance endorsements, verifications and requirements as stated herein.

View the complete RFQ