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Hotel/Motel Tax Grant

Mandatory Training for Grant Applicants for 2024:

May 15, 2024
6 pm
City Hall

Applications Open at that time.

Once a year, the City of Webster City offers grant funds for the purpose of increasing tourism, enhancing the quality of life for residents of Webster City and to increase the population of the City.

The grant cycle usually opens up Spring of each year.  Grant requests must reflect one or more of the four areas shown below:

1)  Direct promotion of the City, its attributes, events or attractions emphasizing the attraction of visitors or new residents to the City.

2) Construction and/or enhancements of tourism, infrastructure, amenities or attractions in the City or the immediate surrounding area having a direct impact on the City.

3)  Financial support of activities/events which will bring people to the City.

4)  Other tourism enhancement uses approved by the City Council.

Who May Apply

The program accepts applications from public or private organizations (or individuals) with the demonstrated ability to complete proposed project(s). Eligibility of sponsors and projects is designed to encourage wide participation and innovative proposals.