Water Rates
Monthly Base Rate:
Residential cusomers and commercial users under 25 units/Mo: $10.00
Small Commercial users (25 to 49 units/Mo): $20.00
Medium Commercial users (50 to 199 units/Mo): $50.00
Large Commercial users (200 or more units/Mo): $200.00
First 20 units $5.17 per unit
Next 20 units $4.27 per unit
Over 40 units $3.07 per unit
Sewer Rates
Monthly Base Rate:
Residential customers and commercial users under 25 units/Mo: $20.00
Small Commercial users (25 to 49 units/Mo): $28.00
Medium Commercial users (50 to 199 units/Mo): $55.00
Large Commercial users (200 or more units/Mo): $220.00
Volume: $3.75 per 100 cubic feet of water usage
For major industrial users that monitor the flow and concentration of constituents discharged to the sanitary sewer system the rates shall be as indicated below.
Monthly Base Rate: $450.00
Volume: $0.58 per 100 cubic feet
CBOD: $0.58 per pound of CBOD
TSS: $0.27 per pound of TSS
TKN: $4.60 per pound of TKN
Oil & Grease: $0.42 per pound of oil and grease