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City Council green lights preliminary plat for Wilson Estates

March 18, 2025

The preliminary plat for Wilson Estates is pictured as it appears in the Council packet for Monday’s meeting. The City Council of Webster City gave the green light to the preliminary plat and site plan for Wilson Estates at its meeting Monday evening.

The planned residential development will be located on Wall Street in southwest Webster City. The developers are Kading Development.

“Back on January 6th, the Council approved the PRD request from Kading Development for the development on Wall Street,” Ariel Bertran, the city’s Community Development director, told the Council. “That was following the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation. Tonight, we’re requesting that you adopt a resolution to approve the preliminary plat and site plan that was presented to Planning and Zoning Commission last Monday, and their recommendation is to approve that preliminary plat and site plan with the notations that were on the checklist, making sure those are (done) prior to the building plan submittal.

“So both Snyder and Associates and the relevant city departments reviewed this,” she said. “The notations have either been addressed or will be addressed by the time that the building plans are submitted.”

She added, “You know, there’re engineers here. If you want to go through the details of the plan.”

Outside, the temperature was somewhere in the 70s.

There was a quick no.

The preliminary plat shows a 216-unit development.

In other action, the Council authorized Street Department Supervisor Brandon Bahrenfuss to seek bids for on-call sanitary and storm sewer cleaning and televising services.

“This won’t go in effect till after July,” Bahrenfuss told the Council, “but I like to kind of get the bids out and get stuff lined up once bids come back.”

He added, “Last time we signed a three-year contract with Hydro Clean. They do all of our cleaning, televising, cutting. And then the last couple times we’ve done this, we added the slip lining too. So every year we do a segment of town as we go through the storm and sanitary sewer.” It’s televised, he explained, “to see if there’s anything going on in there and that’s where we kind of come up with our projects. If something needs to be addressed.”

He added, “So yes, this is kind of more proactive.”

The Council also voted to give permission to seek bids and schedule a public hearing for construction of the Electric Distribution Improvements – Phase 1. These would be for the Reisner Substation underground feeder egresses and the Sweazey Substation feeder No. 2 egress overhead to underground conversion.

That public hearing will be on April 21 at 6:05 p.m.

Last modified: March 18, 2025

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