Personnel with the City of Webster City will be performing hydrant flushing in your neighborhood starting April 15, 2024. Work will begin each day at 7 AM and will follow the schedule below.
Monday, April 15: All fire hydrants within the area South of Elm Street, East of Des Moines Street and North of Ohio Street, including the area of the Waste Water Plant and Street Department. Also, the area South of East Dubuque Street, East of Bell, and south of the east/west High Street leg.
(flow test day)
Tuesday, April 16: All fire hydrants within the area South of Ohio Street. Also, all hydrants south of Highway 20.
Wednesday, April 17: All fire hydrants within the area North of Ohio Street, South of Second Street and West of Des Moines Street.
Thursday, April 18: All fire hydrants within the area of East of Des Moines Street and North of Elm Street. This is to include the White Fox to 210th to Des Moines Street loop outside the city limits.
Friday April 19: All fire hydrants within the area West of Des Moines Street and North of Second Street. This will also include the area to Van Diest Supply.
After work is completed it is recommended that residents first turn on an outside water faucet for a few minutes to flush any rust or sediment form your water service line. Any discoloration of water or small particles of lime in your water should last for only a short period of time.
Flushing operations should be completed by 4:00 p.m. each day. In the event of inclement weather or unforeseen events, the flushing schedule may be adjusted. The cooperation of the public is appreciated during this period of inconvenience.
Last modified: April 11, 2024