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Police Department

  • Eric McKinley, Acting Police Chief

    Acting Chief of Police

    The City of Webster City’s Police Chief is responsible for management of the largest law enforcement agency in Hamilton County and serves a population of over 7,877 people. Currently the police department is made up of 12 sworn officers and a support staff of 10, including a full-service communications center.

    The police department provides several services to the community in addition to what is commonly considered “police work.”  These services include:
    • Vacation house checks,
    • Residential and commercial security patrols,
    • Public speaking events, and
    • Cultural diversity events.

    The Webster City Police Department also plays an active role in SALT (Seniors And Law-enforcement Together), Hamilton County Crime Stoppers, Hamilton County Preparedness Coalition and the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. In addition, the Webster City Police Department has a strong relationship with the Webster City Community School District and has daily interaction with students and staff to break down barriers. The police department also currently has an officer who serves as the Cultural Liaison between the Police Department and the various cultures within Webster City.