Governmental Body: Planning and Zoning Commission
Date of Meeting: November 9, 2020
Time of Meeting: 6:00 P.M.
Place of Meeting: Due to the COVID-19 concerns the Planning and Zoning Commission is holding an electronic meeting utilizing Zoom. Iowa Code Section 21.8 outlines the guidelines to hold an electronic meeting when there are valid concerns that an in-person meeting is “impossible or impractical”. Due to the COVID-19 concerns and social distancing recommendations, an electronic meeting is being offered. Planning & Zoning Commission Members and City Staff will be utilizing Zoom to attend the meeting from their homes.
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PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above-mentioned governmental body will meet at the date, time and place above set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:
- Roll Call.
- Approval of minutes of October 26, 2020.
- Petitions – Communications – Requests
- Public Hearing on Proposed Planned Residential Units Development on Wall Street.
- Consider Preliminary Plat of Wilson Estates in Webster City, Iowa.
- Consider Minor Subdivision Plat of Studmill Addition, Hamilton County, IA
any other matters that may come before the Commission.
This notice is given at the direction of the City Council pursuant to Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, and the local rules of the City of Webster City, Iowa.
Karla Wetzler
Planning Director
City of Webster City, Iowa
Last modified: November 4, 2020