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Hotel/Motel Grant Applicant Mandatory Meeting

April 10, 2019

April 16, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Fuller Hall Recreation Center - Sampson Room
625 Bank St
Webster City, IA 50595
Hotel/Motel Grant Applicant Mandatory Meeting @ Fuller Hall Recreation Center - Sampson Room | Webster City | Iowa | United States

All those considering applying for funding must attend this mandatory meeting.

The City of Webster City is offering grant funds for the purpose of increasing tourism, enhancing the quality of life for residents of Webster City and to increase the population of the City.

Grant requests must reflect one or more of the four areas shown below:

1) Direct promotion of the City, its attributes, events or attractions emphasizing the attraction of visitors or new residents to the City.

2) Construction and/or enhancements of tourism, infrastructure, amenities or attractions in the City or the immediate surrounding area having a direct impact on the City.

3) Financial support of activities/events which will bring people to the City.

4) Other tourism enhancement uses approved by the City Council.


2019 Spring Hotel/Motel Grant information and grant application

Last modified: April 10, 2019

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